News and Events


Open Day and Parent's Day

This is what parents are saying about OTC and our staff:
  •  "I am more than happy that my son is doing well a OTC".
  •  "I am impressed at how much one to one tuition is available at OTC if my son ever needed it". She was also impressed on the glowing report given by Simon on her son’s progress.
  • "I am impressed that OTC would actively look for employment for my child"
  • One parent thanked Rob and Lee for doing the best they can for her son.
  • Another parent, who is also an engineer, and was impressed with OTC’s set up and the way the apprenticeship programme works.


Presentation Evening and Prize Awards

Presentation Evening and Prize Awards, Wednesday 23rd March 2011. Thankyou to all who prepared and attended this event and made it the success that it was.

If you your require any photographs of the evening please please email your request to

OTC is very successful in helping learners to succeed with:
·        86 Apprentice Framework Achievers
·        91% Overall success rates

Award Winners

The Roy McHugh Outstanding Progress and
Achievement Award in Engineering
Prizes donated by Craig Collier Steels and Barclays Bank

Adam Norton
Concept Metal Products Ltd.           
The Roy McHugh Outstanding Progress and
Achievement Award in Administration Services
Prizes donated by WRP and Barclays Bank

Kirsty Dowden

Oldham Council

Engineering Apprentice of the Year
Prize donated McBrides and OTC

Peter Jackson
Oldham Engineering
Administration Services Apprentice of the Year
Prizes donated by WRP and Keytime

Jade Monks
Progress Award – Engineering
Winner of the Walter Jones Trophy.
Prizes donated  OTC

Nathan Smith
Weir Minerals Europe
Progress Award – Administration Services
Winner of the Walter Jones Trophy.
Prizes donated by WRP and  Focus Education

Heidi Brooks
Oldham Council
Sectional Merit Award – Mechanical School
Prize donated by OTC

Sean Wolfenden
Farrel Limited
Sectional Merit Award – Electrical/Electronic School
Prizes donated by Tyco Wormold and Fulfilment Logistics

Daniel Boswell
Simkiss Controls Limited
Sectional Merit Award – Fabrication School
Prize donated by Brookside Welding Suppliers Ltd.

Matthew Bull
S & O Fabrications

Certificates of Achievement

Awarded to:

Engineering Framework Achievers

Brett Atkinson
Craig Barker
Adam Brierley
Adam Duty
Daniel Jones
Wayne Lawson
Richard Lonergan
Michael Richardson
Luke Robinson
Simon Stainthorpe
Scott Taylor

Industrial Application Framework Achievers

Graham Brougham
Samuel Greenwood
David Kiely

Michael Newell
Richard Shaw
Kieron Wayne

David Greenwood
Michael Mason
Peter Scott
Dean Sherrington
Stephen Tattersall

Brett Atkinson
Craig Barker
Adam Brierley
Adam Duty
Daniel Jones
Wayne Lawson
Richard Lonergan
Michael Richardson
Luke Robinson
Simon Stainthorpe
Scott Taylor

Business Administration, Customer Service and IT
Framework Achievers
Sean Beirne
Joanne Berry
Heidi Brooks
Adele Buckley
Jade Cooney
Dominic Daly
Jenna Dixon
Kirsty Dowden
Stephanie Edwards
Hayley Flanagan
Nicola Harrison
Natalie Hartwell
Rachel Heap
Shaun Hegginbottom
Kimberley Henderson
Bethany Hodgson
Maria Holmes
Nadine Hughes
Natalie Huxley
Lauren Kennedy
Ayesha Khatun
Nicole Meyers
Elizabeth Patterson
Jennifer Pilling
Jonathan Pomfrey
Chloe Riley
Hayley Roberts
Bethany Robinson
Melissa Royales
Danielle Rudd
Sami Saied
James Simpson
Christopher Stoddard
Aliya Tabassum
David Tucker
Daniel Turner
Maria Unwin
Natalie White
Jennifer Wilkes

Jordan Chadwick
Ryan Clare
Sarah Kent
Nicole Rigby
Rebecca Slockett
Lauren Smith
Stephanie Thornton

100 in 100 Apprenticeships

Oldham Alliance is working on a project 100 apprentices in 100 days. The aim of the campaign is simply to spread the word about Apprenticeships.
OTC has been involved in this project and has featured in the Oldham Chronicle promoting apprenticeships on numerous occasions. Learners gave very positive feedback on their personal experiences of OTC.



Deputy Prime Minister Visit to OTC

The Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg accompanied by Simon Hughes MP and Alwyn Watkins, Candidate in the Saddleworth by-elections, visited OTC in December. They spoke with apprentices, employers and staff regarding the future of apprenticeships. They were very impressed with what we do at OTC and liked the fact that all of our apprentices are employed status and they don't have to go out and look for a job when they are qualified.


Apprentices Visit MACH 2010 Exhibition

OTC was funded by AIM Higher to take a number of apprentices to the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham to see the MACH 2010 Exhibition. The exhibition demonstrated how technology in engineering has devloped and gave OTC staff inspiration in what developments can be brought to OTC.

AIM Higher is an organisation who encourages young people to continue their studies and progress into higher education. They work with colleges to provide courses that help young people to understand what they need to do to move on. These courses can add UCAS points to the score that they have already achieved through further education.